December 2023

Created by Tyrrell 3 months ago
We are very grateful for the enormous amount of care and support Siân
received (and we as a family) from our wonderful St Christopher’s Hospice. 

It is now over three years since Siân’s death, and
we want to thank you for your incredibly generous support to Siân’s legacy fund.

As a result, a few months ago the Professional
Learning team at the Centre for Awareness and Response to End of life (CARE) started a second online Community of Practice (CoP) in End of Life Care for newly qualified nurses now involving some first responders. Since then, we are delighted to say that CARE has also started a new online CoP for recently qualified General Practitioners (first five years post completed training) and we are very grateful to Becky Whitnall as a GP educator for her recently added thoughts on this site.

This group will also provide personal support and help
for any of the nurses or doctors who need it. We are so delighted as these fit with the two main themes of Siân’s working life: nursing and counselling. We are continuing to fundraise as St Christopher's CARE hope to continue these courses for at least another year. We will update you on our funding situation soon, but we believe we have enough to complete these two CoP courses.

Hospices and hospitals cannot
look after all of us when we die, and so enabling more GPs, community nurses, and communities themselves to have more confidence and competence to help look after and care for the dying feels the right thing to do.
Thank you so much for your support for this important work in memory of Siân.
Wishing you all a peaceful and happy Christmas and a good start to the New Year.

Tyrrell and Isabel
December 2023