Here is Siân's Obituary recently published in the The League of St Bartholomew's Nurses News 2021 with information about her nursing career.

Created by Tyrrell 4 years ago
Obituary for Siân Catherine Lucy Evans (nee Roberts): 
2nd October 1950- 8th March 2020.
Siân and I met when she was a student nurse at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, and I was a medical student at the London Hospital. We met through mutual friends when we were both living in flats in Stoke Newington, nothing like as fashionable then as it is now.
We married in July 1973 and we heard she passed her finals halfway through our honeymoon while we were staying in Norfolk. This was a great relief for both of us as I had another year to go before my finals. There is a picture in the gallery of Siân with her belt on for the first time.
I understand her introductory nurse training at Piggott’s Manor was a major challenge. Having just spent a year in Paris and at the Sorbonne, the strict boarding school regime, ankle length cloaks, no more demos, and the cold weather could have prevented her progress. But listening to Bridge over Troubled Waters helped her through.
We moved around the London Hospitals as we did in those days learning new skills, and Siân enjoyed working initially as a District Nurse, and then in hospitals doing haematology, mental health, endocrinology, and, finally, sexual health. This led her into women’s health in general, and she joined the Marie Stopes Clinic where she developed her skills becoming a family planning nurse practitioner.
Our daughter Isabel was born in 1979, and after her maternity leave Siân moved to the Kings College Hospital Family Planning Unit where she advanced her skills still further and became a nurse specialist in this field.
As time went by, she wanted to do more work and so applied for a practice nurse post at Herne Hill Group Practice. She loved the wide range of the work and was able to use her family planning and women’s health skills fully. She found she was spending increasing amounts of time listening to people talking about their worries and other problems whilst treating their physical issues. She decided to improve her skills in that field by doing a three-year course in Psychodynamic Counselling at Birkbeck College, University of London completed in 1993.
She then changed her work at the practice stopping nursing and becoming a counsellor. She loved that work and retired in 2005.
She had many other pleasures and past times including seeing friends, reading, gardening, walking and bird watching. She loved cultural pursuits and was a regular visitor to many of the museums, galleries, and theatres we are so fortunate to have here in London.
As a gardener, she completed an Amenity Horticultural Course at City and Guilds of London Institute including to her great surprise the ability to service a petrol lawnmower! The particular plants she loved were Auriculars and Streptocarpi.
Her father taught her to look at things carefully particularly when watching for birds and animals, and especially for movement. This she taught me and her grandchildren. 
She was a great walking companion and it was always Siân who spotted and named animals, birds and flowers. 
We live close to our daughter, her husband and our two grandchildren. Without doubt her greatest pleasure of all was to spend time in their company and enjoy watching them all grow and change.
I caught Covid 19 mildly soon after her death and it meant that the family were all in isolation for her funeral. None of our friends, including a number of the wonderful Set 94, could join us.
Written by her husband Tyrrell.